Shopping for kids clothing might be confusing and even exhausting for that matter. From finding the right size to the right material, shopping for your child can be really time-consuming as well. Knowing what’s best for your child and understanding the material can help you a lot in buying quality products for your child.

Minor differences can have a huge effect on a child’s skin and it is the duty of the parent to keep in mind the quality and design of the clothes they decide to buy for their child.
BOJ gives you 5 tips you can keep in mind when you shop for your kids to help them reach their maximum level of comfort and safety and also make your job easier!
Soft, comfortable and high-quality fabric
A child’s skin is very sensitive when compared to an adult’s, and the type of fabric can make a huge difference in the comfort level for the kid. Try avoiding synthetic fabrics as far as possible as it might cause rashes and allergies to the child. Go for fabric that is easy on their skin, mostly cotton and soft wool. Low quality wool is harsh on the skin and must be avoided when it comes to kid’s clothing as it can cause irritation.
No loose buttons or appendages.
Kids below 5 years of age have a tendency to put everything they see in their mouths. Clothes that have loose buttons carry a high risk of them swallowing it and might end up choking on it. Other appendages like ribbons or laces might look fancy but pose the risk of kids strangling themselves while playing. It is okay to avoid things like elastics too if your kid is not comfortable with it and understand comfort comes first.
When confused, go for the basics.
Being a first time parent, you may have a hard time choosing the best fit for your child. We know that you want your child to look beautiful in their clothes but most of the time, we might have to pick comfort over looks. It is best to stick with the basics to make sure your child feels comfortable in the clothes he/she is wearing. Sometimes it is best to stay with basic colours as they are easy on the kid’s eyesight and not too bright to disturb them. Complicated prints can cause headaches for your child and it’s best to avoid such clothes.
Go for clothes that provide maximum movement for your child.
Along with fabric, be aware of the size too. Kids grow fast and it is recommended to buy clothes that are loose enough to provide them enough room to move around freely. Tight clothes can be irritating and hard to move. Clothes that are too loose can be uncomfortable too as the cloth can be too droopy for your kid to handle.
Shopping for kids clothing based on specific needs:
To go further, it is necessary to keep in mind your child’s specific needs. Some kids might have a bigger head compared to others and standard sizes might not be for them. In such cases, it is best to go for customized clothing to make sure your child is comfortable wearing the clothes he has. Fancy clothes like tight jeans might look good, but they restrict your kid’s movements and they might not like them as it prevents them from carrying on activities.

Get clothes that your kid likes.
Try to get your kid’s opinion before shopping. It is best to take them with you while buying clothes so they can tell you what they like. Their likes and dislikes keep changing and parents must know what it is to keep them excited about clothes. Make sure to use this as an opportunity to get to know your kid’s preferences in things.
For more Tips, Check Out: Jollee’s Blog
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